Mastering Mat-Steps with For Loops: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Aadolf -

Mastering Mat-Steps with For Loops: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of manually creating individual steps in your Material (Mat) component, only to find yourself stuck in a world of tedious coding? Fear not, dear developer! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to create a Mat-Step with a for loop, which has individual components inside. Buckle up, and let’s dive in!

What are Mat-Steps, Anyway?

Mat-Steps are a crucial part of the Material Design framework, allowing users to navigate through a series of steps to complete a task. They’re commonly used in wizards, onboarding processes, and other sequential workflows. A typical Mat-Step consists of a step label, a step icon, and some optional content. But what if you need to create multiple steps with individual components inside? That’s where the for loop comes in!

The Problem: Manual Mat-Step Creation

Let’s say you need to create a Mat-Step component with five individual steps, each containing a unique set of content. Without a for loop, you’d have to manually create each step, which can lead to:

  • tedious coding
  • repeated code
  • increased maintenance efforts

Not to mention the potential for errors and inconsistencies! That’s why we’ll use a for loop to create our Mat-Steps dynamically.

Preparing the Groundwork

Before we dive into the for loop, let’s set up our component structure. Create a new Angular component with the following code:


This is the basic structure of our Mat-Step component. We’ll now create an array to store our step data:

steps = [
  { label: 'Step 1', content: 'This is step 1' },
  { label: 'Step 2', content: 'This is step 2' },
  { label: 'Step 3', content: 'This is step 3' },
  { label: 'Step 4', content: 'This is step 4' },
  { label: 'Step 5', content: 'This is step 5' }

This array will drive our for loop, which will create individual Mat-Steps based on each object in the array.

The For Loop Solution

Now, let’s create our for loop to dynamically generate our Mat-Steps:

  <ng-container *ngFor="let step of steps">
      <ng-template matStepLabel>{{ step.label }}</ng-template>
      <ng-template matStepContent>
        {{ step.content }}

In this code, we’re using the `*ngFor` directive to iterate over our `steps` array. For each iteration, we’re creating a new `mat-step` element with a label and content based on the current object in the array.

How it Works

The `*ngFor` directive is a built-in Angular feature that allows us to iterate over an array or object and create templates for each item. In our case, we’re using it to create a new `mat-step` element for each object in the `steps` array.

The `ng-container` element is used as a wrapper for our `mat-step` element, allowing us to apply the `*ngFor` directive to it. This is necessary because `mat-step` is not a container element, and we can’t apply the `*ngFor` directive directly to it.

Inside our `mat-step` element, we’re using `ng-template`s to define the step label and content. The `matStepLabel` and `matStepContent` directives are used to specify the content for each step.

Adding Individual Components Inside Each Mat-Step

Now that we have our dynamic Mat-Steps, let’s add some individual components inside each step. We’ll create a simple `example-component` that will be used inside each step:

<example-component>This is an example component inside {{ step.label }}</example-component>

We’ll add this component to our `mat-step` element, inside the `matStepContent` template:

  <ng-container *ngFor="let step of steps">
      <ng-template matStepLabel>{{ step.label }}</ng-template>
      <ng-template matStepContent>
        {{ step.content }}
        <example-component>This is an example component inside {{ step.label }}</example-component>

Now, each Mat-Step will have a unique instance of the `example-component` inside it, with its own content based on the current step.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to create a Mat-Step with a for loop, which has individual components inside. By using the `*ngFor` directive and a simple array to drive our loop, we’ve created a dynamic and maintainable solution for generating Mat-Steps with unique content.

Remember, the key to mastering Mat-Steps is to understand how to use Angular’s built-in directives and templates to your advantage. With practice and patience, you’ll be creating complex workflows like a pro!

Keyword Explanation
Mat-Step A Material Design component used to represent a step in a sequential workflow.
*ngFor An Angular directive used to iterate over an array or object and create templates for each item.
ng-container An Angular element used as a wrapper for other elements, allowing us to apply directives like *ngFor.
ng-template An Angular directive used to define a template for a component.

By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating dynamic and flexible Mat-Steps that will elevate your Angular applications to the next level.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to take your coding skills to the next level! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions about creating a Mat-Step with a for loop that has individual components inside.

Q1: What is a Mat-Step, and why do I need a for loop with individual components?

A Mat-Step is a Material-UI component that allows you to create a step-by-step process in your application. Adding a for loop with individual components inside enables you to dynamically generate steps based on your data, making your application more flexible and scalable.

Q2: How do I create a basic Mat-Step component with a for loop?

To create a basic Mat-Step component with a for loop, you can use the following code:

import { Step, Stepper } from ‘@material-ui/core’;

const MyStepper = () => {
const steps = [‘Step 1’, ‘Step 2’, ‘Step 3’];
return (

{, index) => (

Step {index + 1} content



This code will generate a Stepper component with three steps, each with its own label and content.

Q3: How can I add individual components inside each Mat-Step?

To add individual components inside each Mat-Step, you can use the `StepContent` component and wrap your custom components inside it. For example:

import { Step, Stepper, StepLabel, StepContent } from ‘@material-ui/core’;
import TextField from ‘@material-ui/core/TextField’;

const MyStepper = () => {
const steps = [‘Step 1’, ‘Step 2’, ‘Step 3’];
return (

{, index) => (




In this example, we’ve added a `TextField` component inside each `StepContent` component, which will be rendered for each step.

Q4: How can I make each Mat-Step conditional based on user input?

To make each Mat-Step conditional based on user input, you can use a state management system like React’s useState hook to store the user’s input and conditionally render the steps based on that input. For example:

import { Step, Stepper, StepLabel, StepContent } from ‘@material-ui/core’;
import TextField from ‘@material-ui/core/TextField’;
import { useState } from ‘react’;

const MyStepper = () => {
const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState(”);
const steps = [‘Step 1’, ‘Step 2’, ‘Step 3’];

return (

{, index) => (


{index === 0 && inputValue === ‘show-first-step’ ? (
) : (

Hidden content for step {index + 1}




In this example, we’ve used the `useState` hook to store the user’s input in the `inputValue` state. We then use a conditional statement to render different content based on the input value.

Q5: Can I use a for loop to generate Mat-Steps with individual components for a nested array of data?

Yes, you can use a for loop to generate Mat-Steps with individual components for a nested array of data. You can use nested loops to iterate over the array and its sub-arrays, and then render the Mat-Steps conditionally based on the data. For example:

import { Step, Stepper, StepLabel, StepContent } from ‘@material-ui/core’;
import TextField from ‘@material-ui/core/TextField’;

const MyStepper = () => {
const nestedData = [
{ name: ‘Step 1’, subSteps: [‘Sub-step 1’, ‘Sub-step 2’] },
{ name: ‘Step 2’, subSteps: [‘Sub-step 3’, ‘Sub-step 4’] },
{ name: ‘Step 3’, subSteps: [‘Sub-step 5’, ‘Sub-step 6’] },

return (

{, index) => (


{, subIndex) => (




In this example, we’ve used a nested loop to iterate over the `nestedData` array and its sub-arrays, and then rendered a `TextField` component for each sub-step.

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