Unlocking the Power of vCenter: How to Get VM or Host Details of Associated Datastore using Rest APIs
Image by Aadolf - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of vCenter: How to Get VM or Host Details of Associated Datastore using Rest APIs

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Are you tired of manually searching for VM or host details associated with a specific datastore in your vCenter environment? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of vCenter Rest APIs and explore how to retrieve VM or host details of associated datastores using simple yet powerful API calls. Buckle up, because we’re about to take your vCenter administration skills to the next level!

What are vCenter Rest APIs?

vCenter Rest APIs are a set of APIs that allow you to interact with your vCenter environment programmatically. These APIs provide a flexible and scalable way to automate tasks, retrieve data, and perform actions on your virtual infrastructure. With Rest APIs, you can write scripts, develop applications, or integrate with other systems to streamline your vCenter management.

Why Use vCenter Rest APIs?

So, why should you care about vCenter Rest APIs? Here are a few compelling reasons:

  • Automation**: Automate repetitive tasks, freeing up your time for more critical tasks.
  • Data Retrieval**: Retrieve data quickly and efficiently, without relying on manual searches.
  • Customization**: Develop custom applications and integrations that cater to your specific needs.
  • Scalability**: Scale your vCenter management to meet the demands of a growing virtual infrastructure.

Getting Started with vCenter Rest APIs


To access vCenter Rest APIs, you’ll need to authenticate using a valid username and password. You can use the following API endpoint to authenticate:

POST /rest/com/vmware/cis/session

Provide your credentials in the request body, and you’ll receive an authentication token in response. This token will be used to authenticate subsequent API calls.

API Endpoints

vCenter Rest APIs provide a range of endpoints to interact with your virtual infrastructure. For this article, we’ll focus on the following endpoints:

  • /rest/vcenter/datastore: Retrieves a list of datastores.
  • /rest/vcenter/datastore/{{datastore_id}}: Retrieves details of a specific datastore.
  • /rest/vcenter/datastore/{{datastore_id}}/vm: Retrieves a list of VMs associated with a specific datastore.
  • /rest/vcenter/datastore/{{datastore_id}}/host: Retrieves a list of hosts associated with a specific datastore.

Retrieving VM or Host Details of Associated Datastore

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get to the good stuff! To retrieve VM or host details of associated datastores, we’ll use the following API endpoints:

Retrieving Datastore Details

First, we need to retrieve a list of datastores using the following API endpoint:

GET /rest/vcenter/datastore

This will return a list of datastores, along with their respective IDs. Let’s assume we want to retrieve details of a specific datastore with the ID datastore-123.

GET /rest/vcenter/datastore/datastore-123

This will return detailed information about the specified datastore, including its name, capacity, and other properties.

Retrieving VMs Associated with a Datastore

To retrieve a list of VMs associated with a specific datastore, we can use the following API endpoint:

GET /rest/vcenter/datastore/datastore-123/vm

This will return a list of VMs that are connected to the specified datastore, along with their respective IDs and other properties. Let’s assume we want to retrieve details of a specific VM with the ID vm-456.

GET /rest/vcenter/vm/vm-456

This will return detailed information about the specified VM, including its name, power state, and other properties.

Retrieving Hosts Associated with a Datastore

To retrieve a list of hosts associated with a specific datastore, we can use the following API endpoint:

GET /rest/vcenter/datastore/datastore-123/host

This will return a list of hosts that are connected to the specified datastore, along with their respective IDs and other properties. Let’s assume we want to retrieve details of a specific host with the ID host-789.

GET /rest/vcenter/host/host-789

This will return detailed information about the specified host, including its name, CPU usage, and other properties.

Putting it all Together

Now that we’ve covered the individual API endpoints, let’s put it all together to retrieve VM or host details of associated datastores:

// Retrieve a list of datastores
GET /rest/vcenter/datastore

// Retrieve details of a specific datastore (e.g., datastore-123)
GET /rest/vcenter/datastore/datastore-123

// Retrieve a list of VMs associated with the specified datastore
GET /rest/vcenter/datastore/datastore-123/vm

// Retrieve details of a specific VM (e.g., vm-456)
GET /rest/vcenter/vm/vm-456

// Retrieve a list of hosts associated with the specified datastore
GET /rest/vcenter/datastore/datastore-123/host

// Retrieve details of a specific host (e.g., host-789)
GET /rest/vcenter/host/host-789

By chaining these API endpoints together, you can retrieve a wealth of information about VMs or hosts associated with specific datastores. This information can be used to:

  • Monitor VM or host performance.
  • Identify bottlenecks in your virtual infrastructure.
  • Plan capacity upgrades or resource allocation.
  • Automate tasks and workflows using scripts or custom applications.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of vCenter Rest APIs and demonstrated how to retrieve VM or host details of associated datastores using simple yet powerful API calls. By leveraging these APIs, you can unlock new possibilities for automating tasks, retrieving data, and streamlining your vCenter management.

Remember to always follow best practices for API usage, such as handling errors and exceptions, and implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure your API calls.

With vCenter Rest APIs, the possibilities are endless. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring and unlocking the full potential of your vCenter environment today!

API Endpoint Description
/rest/vcenter/datastore Retrieves a list of datastores.
/rest/vcenter/datastore/{{datastore_id}} Retrieves details of a specific datastore.
/rest/vcenter/datastore/{{datastore_id}}/vm Retrieves a list of VMs associated with a specific datastore.
/rest/vcenter/datastore/{{datastore_id}}/host Retrieves a list of hosts associated with a specific datastore.

Happy API-ing!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to get VCenter VM or host details of associated datastore using Rest APIs” in English:

Frequently Asked Question

Unlock the power of vCenter Rest APIs and get the insights you need to manage your virtual infrastructure efficiently!

Q1: What is the endpoint to retrieve a list of datastores in vCenter using Rest API?

You can retrieve a list of datastores in vCenter using the Rest API endpoint `GET /rest/vcenter/datastore`. This endpoint returns a list of datastore objects, including their IDs, names, and types.

Q2: How do I get the VMs associated with a specific datastore using vCenter Rest API?

To get the VMs associated with a specific datastore, use the endpoint `GET /rest/vcenter/datastore/{datastore_id}/vm`. Replace `{datastore_id}` with the ID of the datastore you’re interested in. This endpoint returns a list of VM objects, including their IDs, names, and power states.

Q3: Can I retrieve the hosts associated with a specific datastore using vCenter Rest API?

Yes, you can! Use the endpoint `GET /rest/vcenter/datastore/{datastore_id}/host`. This endpoint returns a list of host objects, including their IDs, names, and connection states, that are associated with the specified datastore.

Q4: How do I filter the results to get only the powered-on VMs associated with a specific datastore?

You can use the `filter` parameter to filter the results. For example, use the endpoint `GET /rest/vcenter/datastore/{datastore_id}/vm?filter.power_state=poweredOn`. This will return only the powered-on VMs associated with the specified datastore.

Q5: What is the error handling mechanism for vCenter Rest API?

vCenter Rest API uses standard HTTP error codes to indicate errors. For example, a 404 error code indicates that the requested resource was not found. You can also use the `error` property in the response body to get more detailed information about the error.