Solving the Enigmatic “Error ‘html5lib not found’ when using pandas.read_html() function in Google Cloud Composer 2.1.8
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Solving the Enigmatic “Error ‘html5lib not found’ when using pandas.read_html() function in Google Cloud Composer 2.1.8

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “Error ‘html5lib not found'” when attempting to use the pandas.read_html() function in Google Cloud Composer 2.1.8? You’re not alone! This error has been plaguing data enthusiasts and cloud users alike, leaving them wondering what went wrong. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a troubleshooting adventure that will leave you victorious and html5lib-enabled in no time!

What is html5lib, and why do I need it?

Html5lib is a Python library that provides a standards-compliant HTML parser. It’s a crucial component for pandas.read_html(), as it allows the function to parse HTML tables and extract data from web pages. Without html5lib, pandas.read_html() is unable to function properly, resulting in the dreaded “Error ‘html5lib not found'” message.

Why does this error occur in Google Cloud Composer 2.1.8?

The error arises because Google Cloud Composer 2.1.8 doesn’t include html5lib in its default Python environment. This means that when you try to use pandas.read_html(), Python can’t find the required html5lib library, resulting in the error message. But don’t worry; we’ll guide you through the simple steps to install html5lib and get your pandas.read_html() function up and running!

Solution 1: Install html5lib using pip

The most straightforward way to resolve this issue is by installing html5lib using pip, the Python package installer. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your Google Cloud Composer 2.1.8 environment.
  2. Click on the “Python” button in the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. In the Python interpreter, type the following command: !pip install html5lib and press Enter.
  4. Wait for the installation process to complete. This might take a few minutes.
  5. Once the installation is finished, you can verify that html5lib is installed by running the following command: !pip list html5lib.

If you see the “html5lib” package listed, you’re ready to use pandas.read_html() function without any issues.

Solution 2: Install html5lib using a requirements file

An alternative approach is to create a requirements file that lists the necessary dependencies, including html5lib. Here’s how:

  1. Create a new file named requirements.txt in your Google Cloud Composer 2.1.8 environment.
  2. Add the following line to the file: html5lib.
  3. Save the file and close it.
  4. In the Python interpreter, run the following command: !pip install -r requirements.txt.
  5. Wait for the installation process to complete.
  6. Verify that html5lib is installed by running: !pip list html5lib.

Using pandas.read_html() function after installing html5lib

Now that you’ve installed html5lib, you can use the pandas.read_html() function to extract data from HTML tables. Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

url = ""
tables = pd.read_html(url)

# Print the first table

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While installing html5lib usually resolves the issue, you might encounter some additional problems. Here are some common troubleshooting tips:

  • Error: “Permission denied” while installing html5lib

    If you encounter a “Permission denied” error while trying to install html5lib, ensure that you have the necessary permissions to install packages in your Google Cloud Composer 2.1.8 environment. You can try running the command with elevated privileges by adding !sudo before the installation command.

  • Error: “No module named html5lib” after installation

    If you’ve installed html5lib successfully, but still receive a “No module named html5lib” error, try restarting your Python interpreter or Google Cloud Composer 2.1.8 environment. This should reload the newly installed package.


There you have it! With these simple solutions, you should be able to overcome the “Error ‘html5lib not found'” when using pandas.read_html() function in Google Cloud Composer 2.1.8. Remember to install html5lib using pip or a requirements file, and you’ll be extracting data from HTML tables in no time. If you encounter any issues, refer to our troubleshooting tips for a quick fix.

Keyword Count
Error ‘html5lib not found’ 5
pandas.read_html() 4
Google Cloud Composer 2.1.8 3
html5lib 7

This article should help you resolve the “Error ‘html5lib not found'” issue and get you started with using pandas.read_html() function in Google Cloud Composer 2.1.8. Remember to share your experiences and tips in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Hey there, data enthusiasts! Are you stuck with the “html5lib not found” error when using the pandas.read_html() function in Google Cloud Composer 2.1.8? Worry not, we’ve got the solutions for you!

What is the “html5lib not found” error, and why does it occur?

This error occurs when the pandas library is unable to locate the html5lib library, which is a dependency required for parsing HTML content. This is often due to the fact that html5lib is not installed by default in Google Cloud Composer 2.1.8.

How do I install html5lib in Google Cloud Composer 2.1.8?

You can install html5lib by adding the following command to your DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) in Cloud Composer: `pip install html5lib`. Alternatively, you can also add it to your `requirements.txt` file and then install the dependencies using the `pip install -r requirements.txt` command.

Will installing html5lib resolve the issue, or are there other dependencies required?

Installing html5lib should resolve the issue, but you may also need to install other dependencies such as `beautifulsoup4` and `lxml` depending on the specific requirements of your pandas.read_html() function. You can install these dependencies using pip install as well.

Can I use other HTML parsing libraries instead of html5lib?

Yes, you can use other HTML parsing libraries like `lxml` or `beautifulsoup4` as an alternative to html5lib. However, you’ll need to ensure that the pandas.read_html() function is configured to use these libraries instead of html5lib.

How do I verify that the installation was successful and the error is resolved?

After installing html5lib and other required dependencies, you can verify that the error is resolved by running your DAG again and checking if the pandas.read_html() function is able to parse the HTML content without throwing the “html5lib not found” error.

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